Friday, 26 June 2009

Who are Skinfit????

It’s interesting as I’m often asked who makes my kit…. Who is Skinfit???

It’s by chance that I discovered Skinfit. I’m coached by Richard Hobson and he chose Skinfit for his team Tri Living’ kit.
I hadn’t heard of Skinfit before either, but some friends of Richard had acquired the UK distrubution rights of the business. They had seen how popular it was in Europe, especially Austria where it originates, and Germany and had brought it to the UK.

Ant and Eve Roberts are the founders and distributors, here in the UK. Both from a triathlon background they understand the rigourous demands of today's athletes.

Eve and Anthony Roberts
(0) 1332 552255 - office
(0) 7811 384393 - Eve Roberts
(0) 7977 403089 - Anthony

Triathletes in general are what I would call early adopters, embracing innovation always looking for faster, more comfortable products that might give them a legal advantage over their opposition. As far as kit goes for the last four years Skinfit has given me that, so much so that when I had to revert back to Orca kit for the European and World Championships the difference in performance was evident. The Orca kit was ill fitting and after the run leg of both races, I’d developed a nasty case of nappy rash – Ouch!!!

As my confidence grew in their brand I branched out and road tested their other technical products and they lived up to my expectation. What I like about Skinfit is their design is so simple and they manufacture clothing designed specifically for active people and Pro athletes alike. It surprises me is how comfortable to wear their products are. Their Ethos is to design functional anatomical cuts which are extremely lightweight and skin-friendly. Its true their simple robust design ensures uncompromising functionality.
I can honestly say I am a big fan..... if only I could keep them a secret!!!

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